Radicle is a very promising "peer-to-peer code collaboration stack built on Git".
If you're a NixOS user (you should be) and have some public server machine, it became very easy to set up your Radicle Seeding Node, thanks to Nix contributors that recently added support for it in NixOS.
I've just set up my own instance that you can browse with: https://app.radicle.xyz/nodes/radicle.dpc.pw.
I'm happy to share my config in case it helps anymore.
services.radicle = {
enable = true;
privateKeyFile = "/run/secrets/radicle/seednode";
# TODO: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/314440#issuecomment-2248675753 ?
# publicKeyFile = "/run/secrets/radicle/seednode-pub";
publicKeyFile = "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAINIxyouLgGi/RGEeBycs47NuntkAWn6ZAynImFVYsGN6 dpc@ren";
node.openFirewall = true;
node.listenAddress = "[::0]";
settings = {
"web" = {
"pinned" = {
"repositories" = [
"rad:z2eeB9LF8fDNJQaEcvAWxQmU7h2PG" # fedimint
"rad:zPs9xPpx5ehT56shVzQ4BUnov9uE" # fedimint-infra
"rad:z3j99jVF5NuLGuMj7LX9WZ8WvNaLo" # fedimint-ui
httpd.enable = true;
httpd.nginx.serverName = "radicle.dpc.pw";
httpd.nginx.enableACME = true;
httpd.nginx.forceSSL = true;
To make your node seed a given repository run:
sudo rad-system seed rad:z3j99jVF5NuLGuMj7LX9WZ8WvNaLo